Measure of a man star trek
Measure of a man star trek

  • (Captain Phillipa Louvois) "I'm glad you felt you could - well, come to me.".
  • Commander Data) "I find myself in complete agreement with that assessment of the situation, sir."

    measure of a man star trek

    Are you prepared to condemn him and all who come after him, to servitude and slavery? Your Honor, Starfleet was founded to seek out new life well, there it sits. It could significantly redefine the boundaries of personal liberty and freedom expanding them for some - savagely curtailing them for others. It will reveal the kind of a people we are, what he is destined to be it will reach far beyond this courtroom and this - one android. Picard) "Now, the decision you reach here today will determine how we will regard this - creation of our genius. If it were a box on wheels, I would not be facing this opposition."

  • (Commander Bruce Maddox) "You are endowing Data with human characteristics because it looks human.
  • Picard) "Do you? Well, that's the question you have to answer." Picard) "You see, he's met two of your three criteria for sentience, so what if he meets the third, consciousness, in even the smallest degree? What is he then? I don't know.
  • (Commander Bruce Maddox) "I don't understand.".
  • Picard) "Now, tell me, Commander, what is Data?" Commander Data) "Then why are not all human officers required to have their eyes replaced with cybernetic implants?" Commander Data) "Sir, Lieutenant La Forge's eyes are far superior to human biological eyes, true?" What if Commander Maddox is correct? There is a possibility that many more beings like yourself can be constructed." But I have to consider Starfleet's interests. Picard) "Data - I understand your objections. Commander Data) "That action injured you, and saved me. Commander Data) "Is it not true that had you refused to prosecute, Captain Louvois would have ruled summarily against me?" Commander Data) "Because you failed in your task?" Commander Data) "Sir, there is a celebration on the Holodeck."
  • (Commander Bruce Maddox) "And so must I.".
  • If, by your experiments, I am destroyed, something unique, something wonderful will be lost. Soong created me, he added to the substance of the universe. Commander Data) "I am the culmination of one man's dream. The Measure of a Man (Star Trek: The Next Generation) Quotes

    measure of a man star trek

    The Measure of a Man ended its run in 1970. The Measure of a Man (Star Trek: The Next Generation) is a television program that first aired in 1970.

    Measure of a man star trek